Nela Hasanbegović was born in Sarajevo (1984) where she completed primary education, and then secondary education at the School of Applied Arts. Graduated at the Sculpture Department, Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo 2007. MFA studies completed at the same department 2010. She has been working at the Department of Art Education at the Academy of Fine Arts University of Sarajevo since 2012. Currently is senior teaching assistant in the field of Methods of Art Education. Currently is PhD candidate at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, and on interdisciplinary doctoral studies at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University in Sarajevo. She exhibited her artworks at 131 international and domestic group exhibitions and realized 19-solo exhibitions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad. Her artworks are included in important museums and private collections. She has given talks at numerous panels and presentations, and held several lectures. She has published several papers and participated in many symposia, artist colonies and residency programs, and she has won several prestigious awards and scholarships. She is a member of the several Associations of Artists in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad.

Special areas of her research interest include three-dimensional and intermedia arts. Her artistic works include installation, video, photography and performance. She in multifaceted practice uses conceptual and provocative approach - which investigates the relationship between cultural memory and identity, gender, space, architecture, surveillance and control - is translated into works that question the meaning of making art, the ambiguity of language, and the limits and possibilities. Ambiguous, direct, and imbued with historical, political and social references, her art never refrains from establishing a critical connection with the sites where it is exhibited, the materials that comprise it, and the roles of spectator and creator.




PhD / Faculty of Educational Sciences, University in Sarajevo, B&H, [2018 –]
PhD / Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia[2013 –]

MFA / Academy of Fine Arts, University of Sarajevo, Department of Sculpture, B&H, [2008 – 2010]

BFA / Academy of Fine Arts, University of Sarajevo, Department of Sculpture, B&H, [2002 – 2007]
School of Applied Art, Department of Sculpture, Sarajevo,  B&H, [1998. – 2002.] 


2017 33. International Sarajevo Winter Festival - Silk Road of Art, „Women’s Heritage Trail“, History Museum Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, B&H.

2016 4. Contemporary Art Festival - Danube Dialogues / „Traumas and Memories„, Gallery SULUV, Cur. Sava Stepanov i Vesna Latinovic, Novi Sad, Serbia.

2015  “Shop window-remake”, performance by the Zvono group (the BELL), Festival of street art, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2015 SELF-REPLICATION edition 2#, Gallery-caffe ZVONO, Cur. Saša Bukvić, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2014 SELF-REPLICATION, Gallery Duplex/100m2, Cur. Pierre Courtin, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2013 LOST IDENTITIES ( in collaboration with Daniel Premec), Institute for Contemporary Art Zagreb / Gallery Academia Moderna, Zagreb, Croatia.  2013 SPEECH OF WHITENESS, Art Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2011 BETWEEN LIGHT AND DARKNESS, Atelier DADO, Cetinje, Montenegro.

2011 CLOSED TO PUBLIC, interventions in public space, facade of the Art Gallery of B&H.

2010 „UNDER THE VEIL„, Gallery  ZVONO, Cur. Aleksandar Sasa Bukvic, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2010 BETWEEN LIGHT AND DARKNESS, Academy of Fine Arts Gallery, Sarajevo,  Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2010 „UNDER THE VEIL...„, performance, Gallery  Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2010 „BETWEEN„, Gallery Duplex / 10m2, Cur. Pierre Courtin, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2009 „BETWEEN„, Charlama Project: „SUB DOKUMENTA 01„, Cur. Jusuf Hadzifejzovic, Shopping mall Skenderija, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2008 „Between„, Gallery Srecisce/Celica/Metelkova, Cur. Vesna Krmelj, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

2008 "Between", XXIV International Sarajevo Winter Festival/Barricades Without Borders, Gallery IPC „ E „ Cur. Nermina Zildzo , Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2008 „World of hyperreality„, ArtAtak – (SCCA), Public space,, Sarajevo, B&H.

2007 „Penetration„,Academy of Fine Arts Gallery, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2005 XXI International Festival Sarajevo / Sarajevo winter, “Close far neighbors”, Art Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, B&H. 


2020 15. International Biennal of Miniature Art, Cultural centre of Gornji Milanovac, Serbia;

2019 Black – white, Cur. Tina Konec, Gallery Fonticus, Groznjan, Croatia;

2019 Art Gathering Mileseva, Cultural centre, Prijepolje, Serbia; 

2019 Drawing communication, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts (OPUA), Shuri, Naha, Okinawa, Japan;

2019 INTERACADEMIA, Gallery Academy of Fine Arts, Siroki Brijeg, B&H;

2019 VII Sarajevo Art Salon, ULUKS, Art Gallery, Brcko, B&H;

2019 VII Sarajevo Art Salon, ULUKS, Gallery Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, B&H;

2018 Biennale of Young Artists ART EX-YU, Cur. Sava Stepanov, Contemporary Art Centre of Montenegro, Petrovic Palace, Podgorica, Montenegro;

2018 VI International biennale „Library - Open Book of the Balkans“, „Dialog“, Cur. Bozidar Plazinic, CaCak, Serbia;

2018 Sarajevo storage, Cur. Pierre Courtin, Centre for culture – International Gallery of Portraits Tuzla, B&H;

2018 Drawing communication, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts, Okinawa, Japan;

2018 2. International biennale visual arts „Euroazia“, Cur. Jusuf Hadžifejzović, Gallery Charlama,  Sarajevo, B&H;

2018 Sarajevo storage, Cur. Pierre Courtin, Art Gallery B&H, Sarajevo, B&H;

2018 Imago Mundi, Join the Dots – Unire le distanze, fondacija Luciana Benettona, Salone degli Incanti, (karakter – međunarodni) Venezia, Italy.

2017 „Sarajevski salon“, Gallery Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, B&H; 

2017 ''''''''''''''''Kupujmo domaće'''''''''''''''', Gallery Duplex100m2, Cur. Pierre Courtin, Sarajevo, B&H;

2017. 26. Process Space Art Festival, Gallery Canetti House, Ruse, Bulgaria.

2017. Imago Mundi - Luciano Benetton Collection, Face to Face (licem u lice), Bosnian Cultural Center, Cur.: Manuela Da Cortà and Adnan Hozo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Sarajevo, B&H;

2017. „Sarajevo collezione per L''''''''Aquila“, Museo Sperimentale d''''''''Arte Contemporanea, cur. Andrej Đerković, L''''''''Aquila, Italy. 

2016 „Really ''''''''''''''''Round the Flag of Justice“, cur. Linda Weintraub, RedLine Contemporary Art Center, Denver, Colorado, USA.

2016.  „Globalocation“, cur. Dr. George Rivera, RedLine Contemporary Art Center, Denver, Colorado, USA.

2016 Video-Salon#6, Gallery Duplex100m2, cur. Pierre Courtin, Sarajevo, B&H.

2016. „The creators„, Cur. Jusuf Hadžifejzović, Gallery Charlama, Sarajevo, B&H.

2016. ''''''''''''''''Kupujmo domaće'''''''''''''''', Gallery Duplex100m2, Cur. Pierre Courtin, Sarajevo, B&H.

2016.  „Reconstruction„, Gallery Brodac, Sarajevo, B&H.

2016. „Zeitgeist„, Gallery Greatmore studios i Gallery Moholo live house, Cur. Dr. George Rivera, Betlehem dar Al-Kalima University, Palestine. Cape Town i Khayelitsha, South Africa.

2016.  Process Space Art Festival, Gallery Canetti House, Ruse, Bulgaria.

2016. „Art and Resistance„, Cur. Dr. George Rivera, Betlehem dar Al-Kalima University, Palestine.

2016. „Collegium Artisticum„, Gallery C.A, Sarajevo, B&H.

2016.  „Soul drift„, International Festival Sarajevska zima, History Museum of B&H, Cur. Dr. George Rivera, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2015 „Deshaping“, Cur. Aleksandra Sekulic, Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade, Serbia.

2015 10. PitchWise RE_VISED, selective exhibition, Gallery - Bosnian Cultural Center, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2015 “Contemporary Art in B&H”, Gallery Duplex/100m2, Cur. Pierre Courtin, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina.

2015 ''''''''''''''''Passage'''''''''''''''', Gallery Cube Design, Cur. Bojan Stojcic, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2015 „Collegium Artisticum„,selective exhibition, Gallery C.A, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2014 "3. Sarajevo Salon", selective exhibition, Gallery Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2014 Living Archive (LA), edition StockHolm: Dada Polis, Cur.: Red Min(e)d – Danijela Dugandzic Zivanovic, Katja Kobolt, Dunja Kukovec, Jelena Petrovic, Gallery - C.OFF & CCAP, Stockholm, Sweden.

2014 Decoding / Contemporary Art in Bosnia and Herzegovina, National Museum of Montenegro - Montenegrin art gallery "Miodrag Dado Đurić", Cur. Branka Vujanovic, Cetinje, Montenegro.

2014 Memory Lane, Gallery du jour – agnès b., Cur. Pierre Courtin, Paris, France.

2013 Bosnian Art, Rosenberg Gallery at Goucher College, Cur. Chrissie Miller and Carter Harvey, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

2013 Collection10m2, Curated by Pierre Courtin, Art Center BANG Chicoutimi, Québec, Canada

2013 54th October Salon - No One Belongs Here More Than You, Curated by Red Min(e)d - Danijela Dugandžić Živanović, Katja Kobolt, Dunja Kukovec and Jelena Petrović, KLUZ, Belgrade, Serbia.

2013 Du bist mein Spiegel, Curated by Veronika Somnitz, Potemka Contemporary Art Gallery, Leipzig, Germany.

2013 Show Room 2, Gallery Duplex100m2, Sarajevo, B&H.                                                                                                                                        
2013 „Collegium Artisticum„,selective exhibition, Gallery C.A, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2012 „In continuity „, Gallery MLAZ, Pocitelj, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2012 The Fine Art Academy 40th Anniversary Exhibition, Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, B&H. 
2012 The Bring In Take Out – Living Archive (LA), interactive Contemporary Art Exhibition,  Cur.: Red Min(e)d – Danijela Dugandzic Zivanovic, Katja Kobolt, Dunja Kukovec, Jelena Petrovic, Open Systems – Zentrum für Kunstprojekte, Vienna, Austria.
2012 The Bring In Take Out – Living Archive (LA), interactive Contemporary Art Exhibition,  Cur.: Red Min(e)d – Danijela Dugandzic Zivanovic, Katja Kobolt, Dunja Kukovec, Jelena Petrovic, Campus - University of Sarajevo, B&H.
2012 Intimacies, Curated by Jonathan Blackwood and Branka Vujanovic, Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2012 "Sarajevo Salon", selective exhibition, Gallery Gazi Husref-begov Hanikah,  Sarajevo, B&H.
2012 „Collegium Artisticum„,selective exhibition, Gallery C.A, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2012 The Bring In Take Out – Living Archive (LA), interactive Contemporary Art Exhibition, Cur.: Red Min(e)d – Danijela Dugandzic Zivanovic, Katja Kobolt, Dunja Kukovec, Jelena Petrovic, Festival "Red Dawn", Gallery Alkatraz, Metelkova, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2012 "Small size", selective exhibition, International Gallery of Portrait, Tuzla, B&H. 
2012 "Light of Dawn", selective exhibition, Turkish Cultural Center, Nine Dragon Heads / 28. International Sarajevo Winter Festival, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2012 45th Herceg Novi Winter Salon, Gallery "Joseph-Bepo Benkovic," Cur. Ljiljana Karadzic, Herceg Novi, Montenegro.
2012 "The same rain, same wind", Gallery of Cultural Center / Faculty of Fine Arts / Royal University in Chiang Mai, selector: Eugene Borkovsky, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
2011 "Small size", selective exhibition, Gallery Roman Petrovic, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2011 "Sarajevo Salon", selective exhibition, Gallery Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2011 "Ars Kozara / Art in Nature", selective / documentary exhibition, Magacin / Dom omladine, Belgrade, Serbia.
2011 1. Sarajevo Biennial of Activist Art, Art Gallery of B&H, Cur. Damir Niksic,  Sarajevo, B&H.
2011 6. Pravo Ljudski Film Festival  // Video – Salon  5, Gallery Duplex/10m2, Sarajevo, B&H.
2011 Izlagati (se) Izlagati / 37th Split salon, Cur.: Barbara Vujanovic i Dalibor Prancevic, Diocletian´s Palace, the substructions, Split, Croatia.
2011 The Bring In Take Out – Living Archive (LA), interactive Contemporary Art Exhibition, 
Cur.: Red Min(e)d – Danijela Dugandzic Zivanovic, Katja Kobolt, Dunja Kukovec, Jelena Petrovic, Glyptotheque CASA Zagreb, Croatia.
2011 Exhibition of sculptures by young B&H artists, Cur. Sanela Nuhanovic, Gallery Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2011 „Private and Public„,selective exhibition, public space, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2011 Annals of drawings, selective exhibition, Gallery of Cultural Centre Mostar, Mostar, B&H.
2011 „Artists to Sarajevo„,selective exhibition, Gallery Gazi Husref-begov Hanikah,  Sarajevo, B&H.
2011 „Artexchange Fair 04„, Gallery Charlama / Museum of Contemporary Art of Istria, Rovinj, Croatia.
2011 „Small size„, Gallery  S.K.C, Curators: Natasa Brkic i Andjelija Stanojevic,Belgrade, Serbia.
2011 „The Iwano Project X„, Selector: Aleksandar Pedovic, Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia.
2011 „Jets of the time„, Zenica City Museum, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2010 „Small size„,selective, Gallery Roman Petrovic, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2010 Vidéo - Salon Éphémère, Point Éphémère, Nuit Blanche, Curators: Pierre Courtin and Baptiste Debombourg, Paris, France.
2010 Emporio dragularijum, Gallery Charlama, Cur. Jusuf Hadzifejzovic, Sarajevo, B&H.
2010 ELEMENT EARTH, Gallery Orsola, Cur. Eugen Borkovsky, Buje, Istria, Croatia.
2010 „BiH Video Art„, Project, Photon Gallery, Curator: Igor Bosnjak, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2010 Project, „THE NEW WAVE„, BELEF, Curator: Igor Bosnjak, Beograd, Serbia.
2010 OBJECTIV / OBJECTIVE, Gallery Kursumli medresa, Festival // The nights Bascarsija, Cur. Silvija Dervisefendic, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2010 ELEMENT EARTH, Gallery  Fonticus, Curator: Eugen Borkovsky, Groznjan, Istria, Croatia.
2010 „NONPLACES„,Gallery Giuseppe Negrisin, Curator: Eugen Borkovsky, Muggia (TS), Italy.
2010 „TVRĐAV@RT„,Gallery Ruzic, Curator: Ivan Seremet, Slavonski Brod, Croatia.
2010 Days of Sarajevo Canton, Gallery Roman Petrovic, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2010 „Potencial„, Charlama Project, Cur. Jusuf Hadzifejzovic, Shopping mall Skenderija, Sarajevo, B&H.
2010 „Collegium Artisticum„,Gallery C.A, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2010 „LOOKING FORWARD„, South Eastern Europe Contemporary Art, Cur. Vefik Hadzismajlovic, National Museum of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro.
2009 „Allegro ma non troppo„, City Gallery Fonticus, Curator: Eugen Borkovsky, Groznjan, Istria,Croatia.
2009 Experimental Cinema / BiH video art selection, Rauland Kunstforening (Art Association) Curators: Igor Bosnjak and Mona Bentzen (Norway), Rauland, Norway.
2009 „INTERSPACE – I am over there, there where I am not„,OKC Abrasevic, Curators: Anja Bogojevic  and Amila Puzic, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2009 KRITERION Film Festival, Cinema: Meeting point, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina.
2009 V Art Biennial of Miniature B&H, Gallery Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2009 „She Personally„, Huizer Museum, Curator: Branka Vujanovic, Huizen, Netherlands.
2009 B&H Contemporary Art VS. „DEAD HARES„, SpaPort''''''''09, Curator: Igor Bosnjak, Gallery Banski Dvor,  Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2009 „SUB DOCUMENTS 01„ Charlama Project, Cur. Jusuf Hadzifejzovic, Shopping mall / Skenderija, Sarajevo, B&H.
2009 3. International Video Art exhibition „„, Curated by: Aleksandra Sekulic // Aneta Stojnic // Nenad Malesevic // Vladimir Bojic // Igor Bosnjak, Academy of Fine Arts, Trebinje, B&H.
2009 Video – Salon 4, Gallery Duplex/10m2, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2009 „Private and Public„, Siroki Brijeg, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2009 „Annual drawings„, Cultural centre Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2009 „Am I That Name?„, Curators: Jelena Graovac, Marijana Rimanic, Tanja Spoljar, Gallery SC, Zagreb, Croatia.
2009 „Youth Salon„, Gallery Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2009 „Shape and space„, Gallery Fonticus, Curator: Eugen Borkovsky, Groznjan, Istria, Croatia.
2009 „Collegium Artisticum„, Gallery C.A, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2009 Small size, Zenica City Museum, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2009 Small size, City Gallery Visoko, Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2009 XXV International Festival Sarajevo / Sarajevo Winter / Organic Art Life, "Seven plus Seven = SHE",( Rijeka – Sarajevo ), Preporod Gallery, Curator: Meliha Husedzinovic, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2009 XXV International Festival Sarajevo / Sarajevo Winter / Organic Art Life, „Topical 2009„, Gallery  Collegium Artisticum, Curator: Meliha Husedzinovic; B&H.
2008 Small size, Gallery „Roman Petrovic„, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2008 „Pula – Sarajevo„, Gallery MMC Luka, Pula, Croatia.
2008 Humanitarian exhibition „ Za djecu centra Duga „, Bosniac institute, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2008 3. PitchWise Festival, "Women personally", Curator: Branka Vujanovic, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2008 "Private and Public", Siroki Brijeg, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2008 IV Art Biennial of Miniature B&H, City Gallery Bihac, Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2008 "Women personally", Gallery Enver Krupic, Bihac , Curator: Branka Vujanovic, B&H.
2008 IV Art Biennial of Miniature B&H, City Gallery Mostar, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2008 Youth Salon "Models of Transformation", Curators: Asja Mandic i  Branka Vujanovic, Gallery Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2008 „Collegium Artisticum„, Gallery C.A, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2008 "Women personally", Zenica City Museum, Curator: Branka Vujanovic, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2008 Small size, Zenica City Museum, Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2008 Small size, City Gallery Visoko, Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2007 Small size, Gallery „ Roman Petrovic „ Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2007 IV Art Biennial of Miniature B&H, Gallery Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2007 Annual drawings, City Gallery Mostar, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2007 Youth Salon, Gallery Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2007 Exhibition of the members ULUBiH-a, Gallery Kortil, Rijeka, Croatia.
2006 “Woman body shape” Avon Cosmetics with ALU, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2006 Annual student exhibition of the Academy of Fine Arts, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2006 Humanitarian exhibition, Gallery B.Smoje, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2006 Sarajevo-Tarcento, L’ arte d ‘ incontrarsi, Tarcento, Italy.
2005 Annual  student exhibition, Academy of Fine Arts ,Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2005 VI. Student International Art Biennial, Macedonia, Skopje.
2005 Student union Festival, Happening, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2005 Students Days, Gallery B. Smoje, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2005 XXI International Festival Sarajevo / Sarajevo winter, “Close far neighbors” Closing ceremony, B&H.
2005 XXI International Festival Sarajevo / Sarajevo winter, installations - Olympic Mountains, Trebevic, Sarajevo, B&H.
2005 XXI International Festival Sarajevo / Sarajevo winter, “Close far neighbors”, „ Depot Café “, Curator: Jusuf Hadzifejzovic, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2005 XXI International Festival Sarajevo / Sarajevo winter, “Close far neighbors” Opening ceremony “Gardens of Art”, Curator: Jusuf Hadzifejzovic, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2004 Student Exhibition, Academy of Fine Arts, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2004 Student Exhibition, Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo with Hochschule für Kunst Bremen, Gallery ALU, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2004 Sculpture in steel, Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo with University of Arts Philadelphia, Gallery ALU, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


2018 45. Art gathering Mileseva, Prijepolje, Serbia.2017 2. International symposium monumental sculpture Kornica, Bosnia i Herzegovina.

2012 48th International Art Colony, Pocitelj, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2011 Humanitarian Art Colony, Center „Duga„, Kulen Vakuf, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2011 Art Workshop – M.L.A.Z, Selector: Jusuf Hadzifejzovic, Pocitelj, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2011 „Save Japan 2011„, humanitarian Art Workshop, Gallery Charlama, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2010 Art Workshop – M.L.A.Z, Selector: Mustafa Skopljak, Pocitelj, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2009 3. Ars Kozara, Kozara, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2009 Art Colony Groznjan, Curator: Eugen Borkovsky, Istria, Croatia.
2008 International symposium sculpture in stone, Bihac – Ostrozac, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2008 Art Colony terracotta, Butmir, Ilidza, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2007 10 International symposium sculpture in stone, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Udine, Italia.
2006 International symposium terracotta, Cazin - Ostrozac, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2005 International Art Colony „ Krusnica “, Bosanska Krupa, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
2004 Art of disarmament (UNDP) – Art workshop, Podgorica, Montenegro.
2004 Sculpture in steel, Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo with University of Arts Philadelphia, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 


2017 „Materna“monumental sculpture,  2. International symposium monumental sculpture Kornica, Bosnia and Herzegovina;

2009 "Healing", Art in Nature Laboratory / Ars Kozara, Kozara, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2009 "Shelter" in collaboration with Lana Cmajcanin, Art in Nature Laboratory / Ars Kozara, Kozara, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2008 Sculpture in stone, Medieval castle Ostrozac / Cazin, B&H

2007 Sculpture in stone, Nimis, Provincia di Udine, Italy.




2013 Award for New Media, "Collegium Artisticum 2013.", Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

2012 Award for Contemporary Media, "Collegium Artisticum 2012.", Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

2011 Award for experimental drawing, Annals of drawings, Mostar, B&H. 

2011 Scholarships, Ministry of Education and Science, Canton Sarajevo, B&H.

2008 Award „ PRIVATE AND PUBLIC„ award for the best-exhibited art piece, Siroki Brijeg, B&H.

2007 Award for the best-exhibited art piece/sculpture, The Youth Salon, Sarajevo, B&H.

2006 Proclaimed for the Best student of the sculpture department at Academy of Fine Arts, Sarajevo, B&H. Nomination for award  “Alija Kucukalic “.

2006 Second Award on the competition “Woman body shape” Avon Cosmetics with Academy of Fine Arts, Sarajevo, B&H.

2005 Proclaimed for the Best student of the sculpture department at Academy of Fine Arts, Sarajevo, B&H. Nomination for award  “Alija Kucukalic “.

2002 Award ”Vladimir Vojnovic” for leaving examination expression of sculptures, B&H.




2019 Art gathering Mileseva, Centre for culture Prijepolje, Serbia;

2017 Art collections „Sarajevo collezione per L''''''''Aquila“, Museo Sperimentale d''''''''Arte Contemporanea, cur. Andrej Đerković, L''''''''Aquila, Italy;

2015 Art Collection / Federal Ministry of Culture and Sports, Sarajevo, B&H;                                                                                                             

2013 Luciano Benetton Collection, Foundation Benetton;                                                                                                                                             

2013 Art Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, B&H;

2010 Gallery Ruzic, Slavonski Brod, Croatia;

2009 Gallery Duplex/10m2, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina;

2009 Gallery Fonticus, Groznjan / Istia, Croatia;

2008 Collection of Olympic Museum, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina;

Private Art Collections: 2012. / Sasa Bukvic, 2010. / Asja Mandic, 2009. / Amila Ramovic, 2008. / Jusuf Hadzifejzovic, June Smith...




2020 Lecture: “Visoko obrazovanje – obrazovanje za sve” (HE4ALL), Methodical answers to the challenges of inclusion – examples of good practice from the Academy of Fine Arts. University of Sarajevo UNSA/UPS! and UNICEF;

2019 Conference: Film and media literacy in teaching, University of Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy;

2019 Round table „Smjernice za unapređenje nastavničke profesije“, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo.

2019 Round table „Smjernice za Međunarodnu kiparsku koloniju“, Croatian culture association, Kornica, B&H;

2019 International conference A Window into the World of Education, Science and the Youth, University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Educational Sciences, B&H; 

2018 International conference Stepping Towards New Challenges in Education, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo, B&H;

2018 Artist talk, 45. Art gathering Mileseva, Dom kulture Prijepolje, Serbia.

2017 Lecture: International symposium monumental sculpture, Kornica, Bosnia and Herzegovina; 

2016 Artist talk, Process Space Art Festival, Gallery Canetti House, Ruse, Bulgaria.

2015 Discussion / „Deshaping“, Moderator: Aleksandra Sekulic, Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade, Serbia.                   

2013 Institute for Contemporary Art Zagreb / Gallery Academia Moderna, Zagreb, Croatia.                                                           

2012 The Bring In Take Out – Living Archive (LA), interactive Contemporary Art Exhibition, Campus - University of Sarajevo, B&H.

2012 Presentation of the poject: "The same rain, same wind", Gallery of Cultural Center / Faculty of Fine Arts / Royal University in Chiang Mai / Thailand, Gallery Fonticus, Groznjan / Istria, Croatia.

2012 "Light of Dawn", Turkish Cultural Center, Nine Dragon Heads / 28. International Sarajevo Winter Festival, Sarajevo, B&H.

2011 Artist talk, Atelier DADO, Cetinje, Montenegro.

2011 Artist talk / Presentation, ROTOR association for contemporary art, Graz - Austria, Gallery Charlama, Sarajevo, B&H.

2010 Artist talk / Presentation, Museum of Contemporary Art of the RS // Gallery Remont // Protok // Robert Bosch Foundation // Gallery Duplex/10m2, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2009 Artist talk,  „Am I That Name?„, Gallery SC, Zagreb, Croatia.

2009 Artist talk, Gallery Fonticus, Groznjan, Istria, Croatia.

2004 Artist talk, Art of disarmament (UNDP), Podgorica, Montenegro.



2015 Member of Artists Association ARTNAUTS; 

2007 Member of Artists Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina.




KONEC, TINA, Black – white, text in the catalogue, December 2019.

COLAK, BEAT, i UCOVIC, DANIJELA, Interacademia, text in the catalogue, 2019.

SPANJOL SVEC, SONJA, osvrt na Bijenale mladih umjetnica i umjetnika ART EX-YU, , February 2019.

HADZIMEJLIC, AMELA, text in the catalogue, VII Sarajevski likovni salon, 2019.

STEPANOV, SAVA, text in the catalogue, Biennale of Young Artists ART EX-YU, Podgorica,  2018.

DERVISEFENDIC, SILVIJA, „Zaboravljena uloga bh. heroina„, Oslobođenje, naslovna stranica, tekst na str. 38. i 39., March 08. 2017.

ZINI, CLAUDIA, „Traumas and Memories“,  text in the catalogue, Contemporary Art Festival - Danube Dialogues, Novi Sad, 2016.

ZINI, CLAUDIA, „Nuovi spazi a Sarajevo: la Galleria Brodac“, Artribune,, 28. maj 2016.

SEKULIC, MIRELA, „The creators otvara vrata Charlame„ galerija Charlama, Oslobođenje, Sarajevo, 2016., Razobličavanje,, 07. 10. 2015.

SEKULIC, MIRELA, „Gostovanje u Beogradu - Razobličavanje„ Centar za kulturnu dekontaminaciju, Oslobođenje, KUN, Sarajevo, 2015.

SEKULIC, MIRELA,  „Self-replication„ galerija Zvono, Oslobođenje, Sarajevo, 08. 14. 2015.

COPF, ANDRIJANA, „Invencija je osnovno izvorište svih djela„ Dnevni list,, 12. 30. 2014.

VUJANOVIC, VOJISLAV, “3. SARAJEVSKI SALON”, text in the catalogue, 2014.

SIMIC, ANGELA, „Self-replication Nele Hasanbegović“, Oslobođenje, Sarajevo, 12. 14. 2014.

Blin magazin, „Self-replication: Samostalna izložba Nele Hasanbegović“,, 12. 12. 2014.

COPF, ANDRIJANA, „MEMORY LANE Sjećanje je rezervna domovina„ Dnevni list, 2014.

VUJANOVIC, BRANKA, text in the catalogue „Decoding„, Cetinje, 2014.

SEKULIC, MIRELA, „Izgubljeni identiteti – Lost identities„ Istitut za suvremenu umjetnost Zagreb, Oslobođenje, KUN, Sarajevo, 19. September 2013.

BLACKWOOD, JON, „Lost identities„, text in the catalogue, Zagreb, 2013.

BONAZZI, LAILA, Journal Marie Claire, September, Italy, 2013.

BRYZGEL, AMY, Performing the East, tekst,, 2013.

VUJANOVIC, BRANKA, text in the catalogue, „Collegium Artisticum„, Sarajevo, 2013.

COPF, ANDRIJANA, „Svjetlost ove izložbe jasno nam stavlja do znanja u kakvom se mraku nalazimo„ Dnevni list, 01. 08. 2013.

UDOVICIC, IVANA, „Govor bjeline„, text in the catalogue, samostalna izložba, Sarajevo, 2013.

BLACKWOOD,  JON, „The Fine Art Academy 40th Anniversary Exhibition Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo Culture Bureau,, 2012.

HODZIC, ELMA, „Intime u jednoj sobi„, Sarajevo Culture Bureau,, 2012.

BLACKWOOD, JON, „Dispozicije intime„, Oslobođenje, KUN, 09. 20. 2012. 

DURKALIC, MASA, „Intima sa kritičkom oštricom„, DANI, 09. 20. 2012.

COPF, ANDRIJANA, „Intima kao prostor introspekcije, ali i kritike„ Dnevni list, 2012.

GOLIJANIN, SLADJANA, „Intime„,, Crna Gora, 2012.

BLACKWOOD, JON, „Intimacy„, text in the catalogue, Sarajevo, 2012.

VUJANOVIC, VOJISLAV, „Collegium Artisticum„, text in the catalogue, 2012.

BORKOVSKY, EUGEN, text in the catalogue „The same rain, same wind„,Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2012.

MANDIC ASJA, „Između svjetla i tame„, text in Contemporary Art Journal ARTCENTRALA / 06, Podgorica, December 2011. 

SEKULIC, MIRELA,  „ Provokativno - Izlagati (se) Izlagati „ 37 Splitski salon, Oslobođenje, KUN, Sarajevo, 11. 10. 2011.

MANDIC, ASJA, „Između svjetla i tame„, text in the catalogue, Atelje DADO, Cetinje, September 2011. 

SEKULIC, MIRELA,  „Zatvoreno za javnost„, Oslobođenje, Kultura, 2011. 

HADZISMAJLOVIC, VEFIK, „Potencija tragalačke strasti – Nela i Andrijana„, Motrista 51-52 – Glasilo Matice Hrvatske, Mostar, 2010. 

BORKOVSKY, EUGEN, text in the catalogue „NONPLACES„, Gallery Giuseppe Negrisin, Muggia (TS), IT, 2010.

BORKOVSKY, EUGEN, text in the catalogue ELEMENT ZEMLJA, Gallery Fonticus, Groznjan, 2010.

SEKULIC, MIRELA,  „ Pod velom Nele Hasanbegović „, Oslobođenje, Kultura, 10. 05. 2010.

BOSNJAK, IGOR,  „Video umjetnost Bosne i Hercegovine: projekt„, text in the catalogue, Ljubljana, 2010.

SEREMET, IVAN,„TVRĐAV@RT„, text in the catalogue, Slavonski Brod, 2010.

DERVISEFENDIC, SILVIJA, „ Prednosti zbog kojih je bolje biti umjetnica „, Oslobođenje, KUN, 06.05.2010. 

ABADZIC HODZIC, AIDA, „Collegium Artisticum„, text in the catalogue, Sarajevo, 2010.

HADZISMAJLOVIC, VEFIK, „LOOKING FORWARD„, South Eastern Europe Contemporary Art,  text in the catalogue, Podgorica, , 2010. 

SEKULIC, MIRELA, „ Iluzija zatočenog bića Nele Hasanbegović „, Oslobođenje, Kultura, 01. 09. 2010.

COPF, A., „ Nerazdvojnost svjetla i tame „, Dnevni list, Kultura, 01. 08. 2010.

SEKULIC, MIRELA, „ Naša realnost u umjetnosti „, Oslobođenje, KUN, 11. 19. 2009.

VUJANOVIC, BARBARA, Am I That Name?, KONTURA – ART MAGAZIN # 102, Zagreb, 2009.

SEKULIC, MIRELA, Drvo, lišće i zemlja za „ Land Art „, OSLOBOĐENJE, 08. 08. 2009.

TACIC, SNEZANA, Utočište u šumi, GLAS SRPSKE, 06. 24. 2009.

PATKOVIC, AMRA, text in the catalogue „ Annual drawings “, Gallery Cultural centre, Mostar, 2009.

GRAOVAC JELENA, RIMANIC MARIJANA, SPOLJAR  TANJA, text in the catalogue „ Am I That Name?„, Gallery SC, Zagreb, 05. 14. 2009.

BRKIC, DRAGANA, text in the catalogue „Youth salon„, Gallery Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo,  05. 05. 2009.

BORKOVSKY, EUGEN, text in the catalogue „Shape and space„,Groznjan, Istra, 2009.

POZDERAC – LEJLIC, DUBRAVKA, text in the catalogue „Mali format „, Gallery Roman Petrovic, Sarajevo, 23. 12. 2008.

DIZDAR, JADRANKA, Izložba devet BiH umjetnika, OSLOBOĐENJE – KUN, 12. 04. 2008.

SILIPETAR, V., Izložba radova devetero umjetnika iz BiH, GLAS ISTRE, 11. 16. 2008.

VUJANOVIC, BRANKA, text in the catalogue „Izložba BiH-a-umjetnica/ka„, Gallery MMC Luka, Pula, 11. 15. 2008

KRMELJ, VESNA, Between, text in the catalogue, Gallery Srecisce/Celica/Metelkova, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 10. 21. 2008.

DUHACEK, M.,  Svijet intimnosti u Sarajevu, OSLOBOĐENJE 09. 12. 2008.

COPF, A., Mladi umjetnici koji bude uspavanu sredinu, DNEVNI LIST, 07. 19. 2008.

VUKOJA, IVAN, text in the catalogue „Private and Public„, Siroki Brijeg, 2008.

VUJANOVIC, BRANKA, text in the catalogue, „Women personally„, 2008.

HADZISMAJLOVIC,VEFIK, text in the catalogue „Revival exhibition„, Gallery Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, 11. 23. 2007.

EMRIC, SEAD / RAVLIC, ALEKSANDAR ACO, International sculpture colony, Cazin - Ostrozac, B&H, second edition, 2007.

Q.V., Oggi la conclusione del simposio di sculptura, MESSAGGERO VENETO,06. 30. 2007.

VUJANOVIC, BRANKA, text in the catalogue “Youth salon „, Gallery Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, 05. 08. 2007.

PACIUCCI, GIANLUCA, Sarajevo–Tarcento, L''''''''arte d''''''''incontrarsi, galerija vile Moretti , Tarcento, Italy, 12.18. 2005.

CIMBARO, BARBARA, Sarajevo una mostra, MESSAGGERO DI UDINE, 12. 17. 2005.